Monday, June 27, 2005

Learn my heart that it be faithful in affliction
Learn my heart that it be faithful in comfort

This day pricks harshley for a while and with harshness I prick back but with failing. Failing with love, failing with goodness and in offering relief.

Glory offers a differing story. Glory offers that when the heart is pricked with a saviour that it is with love, with unfailing goodness and relief in eternal timing.

Learn my heart that it be faithful in love
Learn my heart that it be faithful in goodness
Learn my that it being pricked first, offer relief...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Signed, Sealed And Will Be Delivered

Its been quite a while since my last entry. I have just been reading an article about Herman Bavinck. Bavinck was a German theologian. I think I really like him because I think he is the John of theologians. What I mean by that is that just like if someone asked "Where should I start reading the bible?" I'd say "start with John." So if someone asked where should I start with reading theology I'd say Bavinck.

Anyway, I was reading about his ideas about how sacraments (i.e. The Lords Supper) are signs and seals that God has instituted. At the church that I attend we take communion every Sunday, so this is interesting to me. I love that communion is a sign, meaning that (for the believer) it is something visible that speaks to what is invisible, hidden. And here is the kicker? are you ready? It is a seal, it is a statement FROM HIM that for those that put there faith in Christ, the regenerated heart within is something that He has written. He has written it perfectly with the utmost care and he seals it. It says "trust me", "my seal says that what I have written has been written by the King with all authority in Heaven and Earth", that "what I have written, I am committed to." He is faithful to complete the good work that he has begun. I am saddend that I am not interested as often as I should be to read what He has written. But I am glad that He is faithful to remind me.

I pray that if there is truth with in these words they will stay a while with you and if they are not true that they will fall on deaf ears and blow away quickly.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Make the bad man stop

Well this is day 5 of being sick. I just want the bad man to stop. Anyway, this entry will not be a pity party. I watched Morgan Spurlocks new show "30 days" last night on FX. It was great. For those of you that aren't familiar with him, He made the recently famous documentary "Super Size Me" about the effects of having a McDonald's diet for 30 days. Anyway, this show uses this premise for each show. This last show Morgan and his fiancée move to Columbus, Ohio and try to survive for a month on minimum wage. It was an amazing show. It really opened my eyes to how I live and how fortunate I really am. Check it out. It airs Thursday night at 10pm on FX.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Missing Church

I've been sick the end of this week and this weekend. I feel 'so so' but I have a ridiculous cough that won't go away. All that being said I woke up in time to go to church but I don't feel like being the cougher that distracts everyone and keeps the ones nearby from being able to hear. In a later entry I'll give some thoughts on missing church for those that are a member of a local church (how to make it too big a deal, how to end up dismissing something that you shouldn't).

A Recent Visit

My good friends Nikki and Adam came to visit me recently. We had a great time. I realized that we could start our own gang called the NRA if we used our first initials.